A BLOG about two girls unemployed & unstoppable
Ironically we met at a job as co-workers or better known as camp counselors! A long long time ago, in a faraway place…we quickly discovered we were soul sisters separated by the big blue pond (the Atlantic ocean). That summer in the wilderness was the start of something special. Some might even call it a trauma bond.
Regardless, Kat the Americana (obsessed with British culture) and Susie the Brit (obsessed with all things AmURica) created a friendship that would overcome all obstacles. Not to be dramatic but laptops were not household items yet, we had dial up internet, and we were working with the first version of Skype, forget FaceTime or social media!
Clearly a lot has changed since then but our bond has remained the same. From standing by each other at weddings, to experiencing deaths, divorces, births and many more highs and lows in life – we always find a way to be there for one another. And that brings us to the present moment where we both found ourselves overwhelmed and unemployed. But as fate goes, we found light, inspiration, and hope with each other and quickly became one another's career account-abili-buddy.
This blog is a capsule of our lessons learned, memories made, and hopefully a tool to help you not feel alone in such a daunting task like job searching. We are so glad you found us and we can’t wait to connect.
It all begins with an idea and courage. In January 2023 I embarked on a sabbatical, after spending eight years as a manager at one company. I travelled solo across South East Asia and America, spending time learning about different cultures, meeting new people and enjoying hours in the ocean. After many adventures, it was time to return to the UK and get to work. How depressing, literally! The job search led to so many questions and dark moments. Thankfully other women were there to share advice, tips, and a glass of wine. Kat, my accountabili-buddy, shared so many ideas, tears, and laughs, that I knew that other people might find this journey empowering. My hope is — if you are also in the job search or questioning what is next, you can follow along and know you are not alone.
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I make things happen — That’s my catch phrase and that is how I have established my career. In the nonprofit sector I made magic and miracles. Recently in the government sector I managed to bring some fun and color to projects. I am also proud to have earned the titles of Mom and Expat even if that means life is always in transition. In the workplace, at the bar, or on social media you can always find me hyping up a good idea and finding a way to help women support other fabulous women. Hopefully this blog can do the same and can spark some inspiration but at the very least archive some special moments between two best friends along the way.